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Make sure to report any safeguarding concern as soon as possible.

See our safeguarding team directly – Ask at our main office. Just let the office staff know that it’s regarding a safeguarding concern.

Designated Safeguarding Lead/Senior Mental Health Leader:
Emma Wingfield

0113 380 7940 (ext 255)


Deputy Safeguarding Lead: 
Heather Watson

0113 380 7940 (231)


Designated Teacher for Children Looked After:
Jessica Field

0113 380 7940 (ext 235)


Working hours are term time: 

Monday-Thursday: 8am – 4pm
Friday: 8am – 3:30pm

Is a child in immediate danger? Call999
Or call the Leeds City Children’s Social Work Services: 0113 222 4403

This can be made anonymously (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)

More advice from Leeds City Council

Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse

If you or someone you know is suffering from honour based abuse or may be forced to marry against their will, then please tell one of our Child Protection Officers.

You can also speak to charity Karma Nirvana who have a free and confidential helpline:

0800 5999 247 (Monday-Friday at 9am-5pm)

Harmful sexual behaviour prevention toolkit

Stop it Now! We have created a toolkit for parents, carers and professionals to help identify the stages of healthy development and when to be concerned about harmful behaviour.

Please find the toolkit