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Performance Data

Performance tables are available to view on the Government Compare Schools Website through the link below.

Along with Ofsted reports, the performance tables are often the first thing a potential parent looks at when considering a school for their child. These tables measure how a school performs in public examinations, in our case the Key Stage 4 results.

In light of the new grading system that the government has introduced in GCSE English and Maths, it is very difficult to draw any comparisons with historic data. One method is to use what is now known as ‘5 Standard Passes including English and Maths’ and compare it with what was previously known as the ‘5 A*- C including English and Maths’ measure.

Our KS4 Performance


Progress 8 score: -0.18
Attainment 8 score: 34.8
Percentage of students achieving a strong pass of grade 5 or higher in English and Mathematics: 21%
Percentage of students entered into the English Baccalaureate (EBacc): 41%
Average point score across the EBacc subject areas: 3.04
Percentage of students staying in education or employment for two terms after completing their Key Stage 4 studies: 87%


Our KS5 Performance

A Levels and Academic Qualifications

  Average Result Points
Our School/College C+ 33.33
Leeds state funded schools/ colleges C+ 31.77
England all schools/ colleges C+ 34.01


KS5 Performance English and Maths Resits

  Number of students Our School / College Local authority state-funded schools / colleges England all schools / colleges
English average progress 16 0.68 0.17 0.13
% entering an approved English qualification SUPP 83.9% 81.7%
Maths average progress 12 0.27 0.05 0.08
% entering an approved maths qualification 100.0% 87.2% 84.8%


*SUPP- Suppressed: In certain circumstances we will suppress an establishment’s data. This is usually when there are 5 or fewer pupils or students covered by the measure (10 in the case of destination measures). We avoid making these figures public to protect individual privacy. We may also suppress data on a case-by-case basis.