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Leeds Local Offer

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Having a local offer:

  • ensures families can access clear information about all services for those aged 0-25 with SEN and disabilities

  • explains what families are entitled to and can expect from services

  • gathers feedback from people who use services

  • uses feedback to support service development

We are also a key partner of the Inner East Cluster, who work to provide targeted, all year round support to children and families across the Richmond Hill, Burmantofts, Lincoln Green and Gipton neighbourhoods.

They are based at the Lincoln Fields Centre and have staff with expertise in family support, improving school attendance and supporting behavioural, emotional and developmental needs. They can offer support either at home, at school or in a community setting.

CAL in the community

We welcome the community every Friday from 8.30am to 10.00am. We offer support, advice, counselling and a food bank. It's an opportunity to come together.