Poverty Proofing© the School Day
Dear Parents/Carers,
Poverty Proofing© the School Day
We all know that rising costs of living, job losses and stagnant wages are placing a lot of pressure on family finances and that the pandemic has exacerbated this for many. We are working with your school as it strives to remove any barriers to children’s learning, ensuring pressure on household income doesn’t have a negative impact on any child’s education.
We are currently working in Co-op Academy Leeds to support the school to ‘Poverty Proof the School Day’. This means your school is looking to ensure that every child has the same opportunities throughout the school day. We are speaking to all pupils, teachers and governors and would like to get your views as parents/carers too. We will be discussing things such as access to trips, after school clubs and music tuition, the costs of uniform, how free school meals are administered and how children access food during the school day.
I will be in school week commencing 6 May 2024 and it would be great to get the views of as many parents/carers as possible. It would be really useful if you could fill in the attached questionnaire and send it in with your child or use the following link: https://children-ne.org.uk/poverty-proofing/survey?uac=eff35a55-2677-4a1b-a6b9-a9f4422a3001
Please submit your responses by Friday 16 May.
I will also be in the yard before and after school, so please do take this opportunity to come and speak to me in person.
We will be working with the school to address the issues raised. All responses are anonymous and you do not have to give your name.
Yours sincerely,
George Gardner
Poverty Proofing© Co-ordinator
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