Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy for Parents 2023/2024
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy for Parents
- Policy details
- Key personnel
- Introduction and ethos
- Communication with parents/carers
- Responding to concerns
- Child Protection conferences/meetings
- Confidentiality
- Availability
Policy details
This policy has been written for parents/carers of children at Co-op Academy Leeds.
It is based on Co-op Academy Leeds Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, which can be found on our website, along with copies of this policy:
It is also available as a hard copy on request from the academy reception.
Key personnel
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is:
Emma Wingfield
0113 3807940 ext. 255
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is:
Deanna Murray
0113 3807940 ext. 231
Sam Moncaster
0113 3807940 ext. 217
A number of other colleagues are also trained as Designated Safeguarding Officers, and are authorised to complete work in the absence of any of the above. They can be contacted through Main Reception (0113 3807940), by asking to speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team.
We are available 8.00am-4.00pm during term time. Emails or phone calls that are sent outside of these times will be responded to as soon as possible.
The Designated Teacher for Children Looked After and previously is:
Jess Field
0113 3807940 ext. 235
The Regional Director with responsibility for Safeguarding is:
Karine Hendley
The Regional Safeguarding and Child Protection Lead is:
Claire Dodd
07753 307971
The link governor for safeguarding is:
Sarah Keane
The nominated Safeguarding Trustee is:
Jane Cowell
Introduction and Ethos
Co-op Academy Leeds is committed to ensuring every child should remain safe and free from harm. The viewpoints and voice of children is of paramount importance to our academy and we will always listen to their wishes, thoughts and feelings, as well as identifying and supporting their needs. We will work alongside students to develop trusting, consistent and professional relationships and show we care by advocating the early help process where possible. We will identify any difficulties or concerns early in order to act preventatively. We will always provide support and advice for families and parents/carers, whilst acting in the best interests of the child at all times and doing what matters most. Safeguarding also includes ensuring we work in an open and honest way, enabling our children to feel safe by providing a secure learning environment, where they are equally protected regardless of any barriers they may face and are able to grow and develop in the same way as their peers.
To ensure that children are effectively supported and protected, we:
- Have a Designated Safeguarding Lead (Emma Wingfield) and two Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (Deanna Murray and Sam Moncaster) who take responsibility for safeguarding and child protection. They are trained a minimum of every two years, with regular and relevant training in between.
- Will always follow guidance set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023.
- Ensure all staff receive basic child protection awareness training at least every three years.
- Ensure safeguarding is on weekly staff bulletins and also discussed in whole staff meetings.
- Ensure that the safeguarding policy is available on the academy website and is reviewed annually by the Designated Safeguarding Lead and the Governing Body.
- Share and discuss a student version of the safeguarding policy with all students. This ensures that they recognise concerns and know where to seek support if needed.
- Contact parents to discuss any concerns, providing that it does not compromise the child’s safety or wellbeing.
Communication with parents/carers
We will inform parents/carers of any concerns about their child, unless we believe that it will compromise their safety and wellbeing. We will always endeavour to capture the viewpoints and voice of parents/carers and support them as necessary.
Responding to concerns
We will refer all allegations or concerns that a child has been abused, neglected or is at risk of abuse or neglect to Children’s Social Work Services. We may also consult with other agencies, such as the Education Safeguarding Team, regarding these concerns. We will inform parents/carers of our actions, and outcomes, unless we feel this would put a child at risk of harm.
Child Protection conferences/meetings
We will attend all meetings and provide information about children and families. This information will be shared with parents/carers beforehand.
Information from parents/carers or children about possible child abuse that is reported to members of staff, cannot be kept confidential and will be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Leads and her Deputies. We use CPOMS to log all child protection concerns and information. These records can only also be accessed by staff who are trained Designated Safeguarding Officers, and will be kept strictly confidential.
We are available 8.00am-4.00pm during term time. Emails or phone calls that are sent outside of these times will be responded to as soon as possible.
If you have concerns outside of these time, you can use the ‘Report a Concern’ form on the Academy website.
If you have an urgent concern, please contact West Yorkshire Police on 999, or Children’s Social Work services on 0113 222 4403.