Letter Home 18th July
Dear Parents / Carers,
As we approach the end of another academic year at Co-op Academy Leeds, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your support and involvement in your child’s education. Your dedication and active participation helps us to create a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for all of the young people in school.
The academy closes at 15:05 on Friday 19th July and reopens on Tuesday 3rd September for Year 7 and Wednesday 4th September for all other year groups. It is important that your child attends school on time from 4th September. Year 8 and 10 to arrive via our Stoney Rock Lane entrance, Year 9 and 11 via our Beckett Street entrance opposite the hospital.
As per our last letter, we have made some optional amendments to our uniform policy from September. Students may choose to wear a Co-op Academy Leeds v-necked sweatshirt instead of a blazer. The jumpers are available to buy from Jo Brand priced at £17.99. Students may now also wear any footwear provided that it is all black. Make-up must be discreet, jewellery and acrylic nails are not allowed. Please refer to our website for details. https://www.leeds.coopacademies.co.uk/
Replacement ties are available at student reception for £5. A small stock of appropriate trousers, skirts, shirts and belts are available to purchase from main reception. Card payments and bank transfers are now accepted.
Sort code: 30-65-22
Account: 69005268
Name: Co-operative Academy of Leeds
Bank: Lloyds Banking Group
Self Responsibility
Equipment checks will take place everyday. All students must have 2 black pens, 1 red pen, 1 pencil, 1 ruler, a rubber and a pencil case. Their student planner and timetable should be carried at all times and kept in a bag, which is compulsory.
Healthy Holidays
Over the summer holidays, children who are eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals can access a fantastic range of exciting activities, alongside a delicious meal, for free.
Parents will need to create a Healthy Holidays account (see below) and then register their children. Once eligibility has been checked and the children are approved they can browse and book onto events. There is a language translate button on the site, and parents/carers can access support to register from digital drop-ins through the libraries: Digital support | Leeds Library
Arbor Parents App
Our new Arbor Parent App is live. It’s easy to set up. All you need is an up to date email address on our system. Please contact the academy if this needs updating. You can view your child’s attendance, praise and behaviour points. Detentions and academic reports will be added in the new academic year.
I wish you and your family a lovely summer break and we are looking forward to welcoming the children back in September.
With very best wishes.
Miss Natalie Jones
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